Thursday, 4 August 2011

Steves Sheep

Oil on canvas, 12x9". She's a Swaledale ewe belonging to a friend of ours painted yesterday. I have always maintained that if you can paint sheep and walls you've made it as an artist in the dales, so as you can tell I'm getting there... (I'm not too happy about the wall). I know the composition is a bit wacky and goes against all of the rules written down on composition, but sometimes I think what the hell, I like this and there's something about it that works.

I know it's a bit clicheed, the ubiquitous sheep and the wall, but really thats the reality of life in the dales, it opitomises life in the dales and not to paint them would miss out on a huge portion of the feeling of the region. So apologies for the clichee... I was thinking last night about painting a similar subject but much larger, however I feel I may be falling into the trap of the stereotype.

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