Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Springs Branch - Skipton

Springs Canal - Skipton Oil on Board 8 x 6". 

Yes a miniature! good to get back to these smaller, more detailed paintings. I enjoy painting them and can get one finished (well almost) between dropping the kids off at school and picking them up. Plus I have a surplus of 8 x 6 canvas boards kicking around... and no more canvases... time to order some more!
The view is Springs Canal behind the castle at Skipton, a short stubby branch of the Leeds-Liverpool Canal, only about 1/2 mile long the canal terminates at a pool behind the castle, built to serve the mills and quarry the view is looking towards Mill Bridge, Skipton with the Castle to the left. It's painted from a photo I took on Friday last week in superb sunshine (two slaps on wrist, one for painting from a photo, and the other from taking the photo at midday). I know all the books say to wait until evening or early morning for the best light - but I wasn't there then was I ?
Honestly some purists!!!

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