Friday 1 June 2018

Into Langcliffe

Back to Autumn!! One of them long Autumn days with low shadows and painting into the light, is something I am not used to, although with this Naples Yellow sky, the contrast and the colour tones work and I am rather pleased with the composition. This is the entry into the pretty village of Langcliffe from the green lane that connects this village with the farms at Winskill. I erroneously painted a board in quite a disturbing crimzon which I decided (as a trial) to use as the ground for this piece. I have to admit I am rather pleased with the overall effect with the crimson seeping through in places to bring a touch of unexpected warmth to the painting.

Into Langcliffe; Oil on Board 8" x 10"

Just reading a book by David Curtis who points out when the colour and tones are stripped away from the painting, all that's left is the composition; which acts basically as a skeleton for the painting. If the skeleton doesn't work, it doesn't matter how good the tones and colours are - the painting still will not work.  I think I got the bones in the right place in this one!