Friday, 20 September 2013

Catrigg Foss

Finally I have been back at the easel. After a mixture of work and moving house, I managed a couple of days to myself to get something done, to be honest I had more than a couple of days as I was sick as a dog for about a week, but I could not face anyone or anything then.

As always this painting was a stop-start affair, I walked out of the house on Wednesday morning full of the best intentions to paint the waterfall en-plein air, but as it was drizzling (you know the stuff that goes right through you) I wavered a little and then backed into the house.
After another cup of coffee and a root through my rucksack, I pulled on my waterproof and had another go at this, I left the house, crossed the stepping stones and made it as far as the track which leads to this waterfall before turning back as I had remembered I had taken out the small paint kettle in which I put my water... Attempt number 3 got me as far as the waterfall itself, and following sliding, slipping and ending up in the river I sat myself down, mid-stream on a wet rock and waiting for a dry spell in which to whip out the pochade box, and get painting.

Alas the dry spell never materialised and prior to contracting pneumonia whilst waiting motionlessly, I said to myself 'bugger it', dug out the camera, snap, snap, waded back through the torrent, climbed the unclimbable, and slipped all the way down the track home, pausing only to do a passable impression of Bambi on the ice as I crossed the stepping stones.

Catrigg Foss Oil on Board 10" x 8"

Once home, the photos were loaded onto the computer, and I painted this from one of them.
The waterfall is Catrigg Foss, just out of Stainforth, north of Settle, an absolutely wonderful place (when dry), and a great place for a dip in the plunge pool on a warm summers day. Thankfully this place is often overlooked as it is off the main drag, and to see it you really have to want to see it.